Perhaps it has appeared, and rightly so… perhaps true, that I have given up on my blog. This seems to be the case as I’ve run 5 races and had not a single word on the blog. Excuse… check… I was busy. So to sum up my races… I ran the duo Pikes Peak races. In the Pikes Peak Ascent i was in the mid 30s (I think). The following day I was 6th in the marathon giving me first place overall for the duo. 2 weeks later I was 3d in the American Discovery Marathon on the Front Range in 2:40ish, 1 week later I was 3d at the Imogene Pass Run in 2:24, and then another 2 weeks later I was 25th in the Great Cow Harbor Race (NY) in 34 minutes.
So that being said… in a very short, hopefully concise, and most likely quite boring fashion …I am planning on stopping the blog. At least for the time being. I’m not giving up on it. I’m stopping it… huge difference.
The reason is simple: I’ll have time to write about my races and other adventures. Maybe in the future I’ll start writing on a blog again but for now I think it best to stop it altogether. That and I’ll have time to run and do other adventures.
Fare thee well, Timmy